
A message from our CEO (your upcoming classes)

Hope you are doing well. During these challenging times, I reassure you that PC AGE and my staff will continue to be there for you to ensure there is no disruption in your academics and career plans. We can use this downtime - this time when we are increasingly online - to productively and proactively build on skill sets, learn new [...]

A message from our CEO (your upcoming classes)

A Message From Our CEO – now Live Online/free Course Repeats/1-1 Tutoring

As the situation pertaining to COVID-19 continues to develop, I know this is a worrying time for students and staff. I want to reassure you that we are working hard to ensure your health and safety and minimize disruption in your academics. What we're doing: All classes are now Live Online. Our staff is working remotely and appointments will continue to [...]

A Message From Our CEO – now Live Online/free Course Repeats/1-1 Tutoring

PC Age Offers Optional Cloud Computing Course

AWS Cloud Foundations Certified is a new optional course offered by PC AGE. A recent PC AGE blog post noted that knowledge of Amazon Web Services skills is the fastest-growing job skill employers are seeking right now, with 418% growth in the past five years. There's no doubt that having the skills to work with Amazon Web Services is in [...]

PC Age Offers Optional Cloud Computing Course

What Are Some of the Top IT Jobs in Cloud Computing?

By 2021, cloud computing is expected to be a $300 billion business. Cloud computing is one of the top growth areas in the IT field as the majority of businesses now utilize the cloud for storage, computing, and analytics. Not only is cloud computing a growing field, but there are talent shortages in this area that mean there are lots [...]

What Are Some of the Top IT Jobs in Cloud Computing?

A Deeper Look at the Technical Support Specialist Role

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the number of high-paying technical support specialist positions will grow 11% faster than average between 2016 and 2026. But what do technical support specialists really do? These computer professionals help over the phone and in-person when users have trouble with logins and when software or sometimes even hardware malfunctions. Some technical support specialists [...]

A Deeper Look at the Technical Support Specialist Role

Top 7 Tech Skills to Land Your Dream Job in 2020

Having the right tech skills is the key to being offered a great job in the IT field. Here are some of the most in demand tech skills for 2020, according to IT World. 1. Amazon Web Services Jobs requiring Amazon Web Services development skills soared 418% in only five years, revealing the demand for this crucial skill. A variety [...]

Top 7 Tech Skills to Land Your Dream Job in 2020

IT Industry Decade in Review

In one short decade, the IT industry has changed tremendously. A decade of economic expansion led to significant adoptions of smartphones, skyrocketing social media use, and machine learning that may be on the cusp of developing into true artificial intelligence. These changes have created many new jobs that didn't exist a decade ago and have transformed the IT industry. Economic [...]

IT Industry Decade in Review

Which IT Jobs Are Robots NOT Stealing in the Coming Years?

A 2017 McKinsey report theorized that about 50% of job activities could be automated by 2030. About six in 10 businesses could automate at least 30% of their activities, but what does this mean for people's actual jobs? Before you panic that the job you are training for won't even exist in a decade or two, it's important to understand [...]

Which IT Jobs Are Robots NOT Stealing in the Coming Years?